About hot art!

Many of you have been waiting for more explicit content from us for a long time.

We thought to find an artist for just such illustrations, but Turkey couldn't approve any of the candidates.

Well, as usual, if you want to do it well, do it yourself, and that's why Turkey started her anatomical marathon. She studies tutorials, videos, textbooks, and draws anatomical sketches based on references. By this time, Turkey had already made 200 of the 500 planned sketches.

According to her, "progress is noticeable." However, this perfectionist bird still refuses to make illustrations for the game itself ((

After much thought (and kicking the Turkey), we came up with the idea that once a month we will post some of the best (in the opinion of Turkey) sketches on Patreon and vote on the art of the month: our patrons will choose one of the sketches and who to depict on it. After rendering, a more nude version of this art will be on the Patreon sites, and on the rest - a more clothed one.

For now, let's try this activity! Here we'll show you which sketches to choose from and which characters, but the survey itself will be on Patreon. (https://www.patreon.com/c/degraman)

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